Monday, June 28, 2010

Who the fuck are you?

So it's just a normal Friday night, except for the fact that I'm flat broke. I still wanted to go out, I need the social interaction in my life. Well since I'm broke, i obviously realize that I'm not gonna be able to by a god damn thing at the bar. So here comes the pre-game, a very heavy pre-game. It starts with a few games of beer pong at one of my buddies houses, which is always a good start to the evening anyway. On top of the many games of beer pong. I'm having a mix drink , orange juice and vodka. With me and my drinks it tends to be liquor with a splash of something else. Now it's time to go out and I'm pretty much blacked out , it's only about eleven at this point. We hop in a cab and go into town.

So we go to our usually spot of the night, or at least the starting point of most nights, O'malleys. I get there and everyone and their mother is out. So I'm feeling pretty good that this is gonna be a good night. So i go in, a couple friends buy me drinks , i have some shots. The night is going good. I'm outside having a cigarette with my friends, just being an complete obnoxious drunk. When i drink and i get to that level , i tend to talk to anyone and everyone that has a fucking vagina. This group of girls walks by , i obviously had to open my mouth. "Hey you! You with the fucking blond hair, get over here." I'm still a little shocked that she actually came over , because i definitely was that raging drunk outside the bar. I have no idea who this girl is, were talking and her friend comes up. " Do you know Travis? He's a real asshole!" I'm like you should probably listen to your friend. She laughs it off. At this point, I'm definitely gonna go in for the kill on this one tonight. It took me all of five minutes to convince her to leave her friends and come chill with me. Yes, I'm the asshole who drives when he is drunk. This particular time, I'm surprised we made it back, but we did. Then we did the damn thing .

Okay. Morning i wake up , I'm still hazy on where i even am. I roll over. I see a naked girl, okay normally, not a bad situation. Who the fuck is this? I have never seen this person in my life . So i drive her home. The whole way there, I'm thinking in my head. Amanda? Erika? Julie? Now i dropped her off ,and I'm on the way home and this is driving me nuts. Finally , I'm like fuck it. I'm gonna text her and ask. "This may be kinda awkward and i don't wanna be a dick, but what's your name and who are you? And she just laughs it off, really your just gonna laugh off. How many times does this happen to you that , you can just laugh it off. Most girls would have lost it at this point and would have been pissed. She was kinda cheery. After this , I'm thinking to myself, what did i expect? It took me all of five minutes to get you on board. Her name was Mary, i wasn't even fucking close.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day One

Well here it goes. It's time for me to share my fucked up adventures with the entire world.

First i'll give you a quick run down of my life...

My name is Travis , many have come to know me as Trainwreck, because i'm a complete mess of life. To be honest i'm a complete asshole and tend to destroy everything and everyone that i come into contact with. I like to party alot, every weekend you can find me next to the nearest keg in town or slamming down jack & cokes in a local bar. Most of the time it results in broken store front windows and a new girl either loving me or hating me. Many people ask me how my love life is going , well the love life isn't going far , my sex life on the other hand , is well out of hand to be honest. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing at this point. I'm known for rarely making a good decision. I just generally make terrible decisions in life.....

....i'm gonna start sharing some of these decisions with you.