Saturday, July 24, 2010

Welcome To The Garden State

So, It’s springtime 2006. The warm weather is finally coming back around and it’s about to be my 2nd summer in the oh so wonderful Rockland County, NY. I had just started chilling with a consistent group of people , solidifying my acclimation to the New York lifestyle. I’ve been rolling full force for the past year meeting girls left and right.
Well one night I’m sitting around with my newly established friends and were trying to figure out what the fuck were gonna do tonight. The goal is obvious, get wasted and get laid. Around this time, my phone goes off. It’s this girl from Jersey that I had hooked up with a few times. I had met her through a chain of girls that I had been hooking up with. She was the 4th link in this chain so far. She’s like …

Jersey Girl- “Do you wanna burn?”
Me - “Sure, but I’m with a couple of my boys right now”
Jersey Girl - “That’s Fine, bring them we’ll have some fun.”

At this point in my relationship with this girl, I know she is a freak and loves to get fucked. So, I look at my boys and I’m like were all gonna get laid tonight. Obviously, They have their doubts. I mean they just met me, they don’t fully understand how I work and what I do. So, we twist up a blunt , drive down to Paramus to go see this girl. Well we get there and she had failed to mention that we really had nowhere to chill and smoke this shit. So blunt ride it is. I was determined to get something good out of this. So I toss the keys to my friend Mark and tell him to drive. I jump in the back seat with the girl. So we go for this drive, we burn. It’s your typical , jersey drive. Big ass houses and people who can’t drive for shit . Oh , and no left turns. So were all high as fuck just driving around aimlessly. I’m in the back with this girl , she starts just blowing me. She’s going to work , I continue conversation with the rest of the car. Jersey girls are always very confused as to why we call them all sluts. Well ladies, this is why. After she is done blowing me, and swallowing a nice sized team of my best swimmers. I tell my friend to pull over the car. I tap on Kyle’s shoulder and I tell him to get in the back seat , I jumped up front. This is what surprises me the most out of this , the kid actually made out with her. Right after I got done rinsing her mouth out with my man juice. 5 minuntes later, she has her lips wrapped around his cock now. I just laughed . She finishes him off, now its time for the 3rd rotation in this story . Mark jumps in the back . I’m pretty sure somewhere in between he had a lightbulb go off in his head.
Pretty much , he gives her this look like you are fucking insane if you think I am kissing you right now. He pretty much just looks at me in amazement. “Welcome to New Jersey”.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahaha I've definitely heard this story! It never gets old. Thank you Travis. Thank you
