Monday, August 23, 2010

Southern Discomfort

What is it about Southern Comfort, that it makes you wanna do the most ridiculous shit? Every year, I take a trip down to Virginia for some family, friends, skateboarding and just sheer recklessness. A couple years ago, we took a trip it was me and two of my buddies from New York. The first night we are down there, we decide to go stay with one of my friends at Radford University. He was having a keg party and we thought it would be a good idea to split a handle of SoCo between the three of us. Its decisions like this, that make my life so interesting at times.
So the bottle is done now and honestly I haven’t the slightest clue what time it is. One of my friends has disappeared, we have no idea where he is, we will call him friend # 1. My other friend has wandered off as well. At this point I was with some girl, who I consider relatively attractive, I want to say her name was Rachel?, but really who knows. So I’m roaming around the campus with my newly befriended Rachel, bouncing around from party to party. There was a point where we were walking through the parking lot. I kept hearing a car alarm going off, as we get closer to the sound. I see the car, its my car. I’m pretty much like what the fuck is going on. I get up to the car and there is friend # 1, at this point he is an absolute disgrace to his own well known party college of New York, Ualbany. He is throwing up all over the place , pretty much just causing a scene , but at least the car alarm was drowning out the sound of puke splashing against the pavement, it was nothing but SoCo and Bojangles.
So we help him collect his life back together and we get back to my friends. Now the girl is like I gotta go, turns out she didn’t go to school there either. How the fuck we found our way back , the lord only knows. My other friend somehow made it back around this time too. Now I’m not too happy , I just lost the only thing I had going for me that night. So I’m sitting there and this chick walks in and she was…well, lets just say her body just really wasn’t that flattering for her. I’m wasted off my ass , I have absolutely NO idea what is going on at this point in the night. So I’m flirting with this girl and out of the corner of my eye, I see this fishbowl. This wasn’t just any fishbowl. This was a fishbowl full of rainbow colored sprinkles or “jimmies” if you’re from god damn Philadelphia. Automatically I’m just like , I have to have this bowl of sprinkles in my hands right now. Lets fast forward about 10 minutes, I’m now sitting on a couch in my buddies apartment, he is no where to be found. I’m with this chick and I am holding a 3 gallon fish bowl filled with rainbow sprinkles.
Okay, only the Southern Comfort knows what possessed me to make my next move. I start throwing sprinkles at this chick. It started as pinches of sprinkles , then handfuls and then I just decided to go full force with this , I dumped the entire rest of the bowl on top of her head. There are sprinkles everywhere and I mean everywhere he had a light colored couch and his carpet was a light shade of grey. My friends are just looking at me in utter disgust and can not believe they are witnessing what I am doing. Morning comes I wake up in a sea of sprinkles next to a fat chick. I pretty much just discovered the most disgustingly interesting way to make multi-colored carpet.

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